
I'm not into pro-ana thinspiration, but here are some things that encourage me to keep going when I feel like I'm going to cave:

Thinspiration videos:

Taylor Warren - Nine Til Noon
Taylor Warren is one hot piece of ass, and I want to be able to wear all the clothes in this video!

Kaya Scodelario - ELLE behind the shoot
I was a huge fan of Kaya Scodelario when she played Effy in Skins, she always made me want to be skinny. This video also has some sweet ass clothes and shoes. Get involved. The song is great too.

Thinspiration songs:

There are certain lines in some songs that always make me want to be skinny/diet, even more so than thinspiration pictures. They're not even all my favourite songs but it seems to work:

Lua - Bright Eyes
'You're looking skinny like a model with your eyes all painted black. Keep going to the bathroom always say you'll be right back' - I know it's a reference to bulimia, but as someone who sometimes struggles with this I still like the lyric.

The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot - Brand New
'You are calm and reposed, let your beauty unfold. Pale white, like the skin stretched over your bones. Spring keeps you ever close. You are second hand smoke. You are so fragile and thin, standing trial for your sins, holding on to yourself as best you can'

Flaws - Bastille
If you click the speech bubble in the video bar it takes off all those shitty black boxes so you can actually see the video. There's not a particular lyric in this song, but it's just so fucking cute! And they're so fucking cute! And she's got a great body. I also guess I think that I'll only feel that happy with someone when I'm completely happy with my body/myself. So this always motivates me.

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